- "Here I am! The Grim Reaper's pen pal! The ultimate Macho Man!"
- ―Zed not quite pulling off being intimidating
Zed is a Metal Demon and works along with the Quarter Knights initially. Despite seeming to serve more as a comic foil for the group, he's actually extremely skilled and a very dangerous opponent. Though he aspires to greatness, the other Quarter Knights don't think highly of him, and he struggles for much of the first half of the story until he finally gives up on them, seeing Zeikfried for what he is.
Wild Arms[]

When the Gate Generator is destroyed, Zed finds himself in the ruins of Saint Centour, where he meets the only survivor, a blind girl by the name of Aura. He falls in love with her, and vows to protect her. Unfortunately, when the party finds him, he panicks and attacks. When he's finally defeated, he promises to help Aura.
Though Zed is over 1000 years old, it's hinted that he's spent nearly all of that time in hibernation along with the Quarter Knights. Physically, and certainly emotionally, he's no older than Rudy's group.
Alter Code: F[]

Zed in Alter Code: F
In Alter Code, Zed's dedication to protect Aura causes him to join the group as a playable character (though this battle is extremely tough). As he gains in power, the Elw, Vassim, actually purifies his sword and reduces Zed's overall demon influence. When he saves the world (the party helps, in his mind), he returns triumphant to Aura for good.
Art of Wild Arms Bio[]

Zed in Wild Arms
"Green-Haired Fugitive"
The comic relief of Wild Arms. Though he belongs to a race of demons threatening Filgaia, he's much less interested in chaos and destruction than he is at being the coolest guy around (at which he fails miserably).
Wild Arms 5[]
Zed appears in the town of Mithysmere as a fugitive. He's decidedly off model, aside from the hair and scarf, and doesn't quite live up to the "cool factor" (what there is of it) of his previous incarnations.
Wild Arms TV[]

With his name translated as Jedd in the credits, he appears in the Wild Arms: Twilight Venom cartoon and is decidedly not a demon in this incarnation. He is seen in Episode 15, "Natural Born Angel," where along with Pedro, Judecca Dantes, and Sybil, Jedd was part of ROOF's attempt to create artificial Gene Drivers. This experiment only enjoyed limited success. Jedd attempted to kill Sybil while she was under the protection of Sheyenne Rainstorm but died while using his ARM, a Gatling cannon.
In Battle (WA)[]
Sweet Candy[]

Zed in Sweet Candy
Zed is faced for the first time in Sweet Candy, serving as a distraction while Lady Harken destroys one of the guardian's statues.
- LEVEL: ?
- HP: 7500
- MP: ??
- EXP: 4200
- GELLA: 00
- SPELLS: Doom Bringer, Garyu Ichimongiri
- Drop: Nothing
Volcannon Trap[]

Zed in Volcannon Trap
Zed is faced for the second time in Volcannon Trap, trying to impress Mother and the Quarter Knights, he attacks the group, but ends up being defeated
- LEVEL: ?
- HP: 10000
- MP: ??
- EXP: 5400
- GELLA: 00
- SPELLS: Garyu Ichimongiri, Ouji Kyoujin-ranbu
- Drop: Nothing
Saint Centour[]

Zed in Saint Centour
Zed is faced for the last time in Saint Centour, he only attacks the group for thinking they could expose their true identity to a blind girl he was caring for, here he takes on his true demonic Monster Z form for battle.
- LEVEL: ?
- HP: 52500
- MP: ??
- EXP: 50000
- GELLA: 00
- SPELLS: Doom Bringer, Higi Kajin-Eisatsu, Gaia Crash, Kinjite Yasha-Ishomjiri
- Drop: Doom Bringer
As Party Member[]
Zed is an optional party member, who can be recruited late in the game.
Force Ability[]
Zed's Force Ability is Full Power, which increases his attack in the current turn, but makes him act last. It costs 25 FP.
Original Commands[]
Zed's Original Command is named "Piled Shots". Zed starts with only one, and must buy the rest in Sinner's Studio. All Piled Shots can be used in conjunction with Zed's Force Ability, not only making them more powerful, but also giving them additional effects. Purchasing new skill also raises Zed's stats.
- Secret Sword
- Heaven's Wrath
- Ruin Blade
- Dancing Heaven
- Star Blast
- In the original game, when Zed is permanently defeated at last, he drops the "Doom Bringer" sword for Jack Van Burace to use. While powerful, the sword also reduces Jack's luck statistic to Worst, hinting at Zed's own terrible luck
- ↑ Wikipedia - Takehito Koyasu (Japanese) (Japanese)
Playable Characters |
Adlehyde - Mountain Path - Milama - Guardian Shrine - Baskar - Mount Zenom - Elw Pyramid - Saint Centour - Cage Tower - Port Timney - Maze of Death - Sweet Candy - Ship Graveyard - Pleasing Garden - Ghost Ship - Rosetta - Volcannon Trap - Tripillar - Giant's Cradle - Court Seim - Epitaph Sea - Sacred Shrine - Photosphere |
Terms & gameplay elements ARM - Force Gauge - Fast Draw |
Music |
Items - Weapons - Armors - Accessories - Runes - ARMs - Enemies - Bosses |
Playable Characters |
Terms & gameplay elements ARM - Force Gauge - Fast Draw - Ex. File |
Lists |