Wild Arms Wiki

Valeria Chateau is a castle located in Wild Arms 2, the residency of Irving Vold Valeria and his sister Altaecia, later to become the headquarters of the new ARMS squad. It is here that the heroes of the game, Ashley Winchester and Lilka Eleniak are initially united in their adventure together.

Story []

Ashley and Lilka arrive to the place together and as soon as they arrive they are greeted by a man, they say that they want to see Irving Valeria and the guy asks if they had an appointment, Ashley says no and the man asks them to wait in the third walk and show the way to them, Lilka remembers that she had an invitation and Ashley asks why she did not show it, and she says she forgot.

Moments later in the office he introduces himself as Irving Von Valeria the lord of the Valeria house. Before Ashley introduced himself, Irving shows that he already knows who he is calling Ashley Winchester the only survivor of the special squad that had been destroyed and still refers to the girl as the lovely witch girl Eleniak, he says everyone thinks that ARMS was wiped out because of what happened during the ceremony, he says that their goal is not simply to prevent terrorism as it has been said and that it is currently a magnificent experiment in Demon Summoning, Ashley asks what this Summoning Demon is all about, Irving explains that it is a ritual to bring beings from a parallel universe into their world. He says that the fact that ARMS have been destroyed will be reborn in a new way under the Valerians, they will not belong to any nation, but will be an autonomous fighting force.

Irving's sister, Altaecia appears on the scene and Irving asks her to greet them but before he finishes the conversation with them, Ashley asks if he is the only member of the new ARMS group once the old group was destroyed, and Irving says that Ashley is the third member, he says that they need a Crest Sorcerer and that's why the witch girl Eleniak was invited. Lilka says that the witch he was looking for was the brother who was injured during an experiment with a magic artifact so she came in her place she feels confident and says she wants her magic to be useful, she says she wants to be like her sister. Irving just says that by now she should know that these are very serious matters and Lilka says that one day she will be like her sister. He then says that he will pass the first mission of the group while ARMS, but before he says that the preparations will take a while, he asks the group to wait in the chateau.

Ashley and Lilka are free to explore the site, later in Irving's office he says the group's first mission will be to join the next ARMS member. He says that the next member is already aware of the mission, and it is enough for them to go to and meet each other. Irving frames Ashley, claiming he tried to attack him, and orders the guards and Lilka to escort him to Illsveil Prison Island.

In prision, Ashley and Lilka discover that it was all just an Irving plan for them to rescue Brad, Ashley punches Irving and says they should not be used that way, when the three of them leave the prison they return to Valeria Chateau. Irving says the three ARMS members are finally chosen and can begin the real mission.

He says that these are disasters all over the world that only they could face, and that this was the goal of the ARMS group. Brad asks why Irving chose a prisoner like him to join the group and the old man says it is due to his superior ability in battle and that he expected great deeds from him. Irving even says that if Brad tries to do something or tries to take out the necklace Gias that is on his neck he will blow up, Brad gets indignant saying that it's like he's a dog with a leash. Irving says that since they do not serve any country, they will never be like paws Brad says that a group of dotards, children and a fugitive prisoner are more to stray dog than to the "Paws of a Country" that Irving says so much.

After a little discussion, Irving passes on the next mission to the group. Irving says that a cave in has occurred in the underground trade route called Under Traffic south of Valeria, the closing of the trade route is harming people's livelihood!

After the events of Golgotha Prison the group Will Go back to Valeria. Irving and Marivel now explain to Ashley his power as the Black Knight, "KnightBlazer", and how his power came to be.

Marivel tells Ashley, Brad and Lilka that their next mission is to counter Odessa's flying machine, Varukisas. In order to accomplish this mission, the ARMs members will need to retrieve two types of energy to recreate a lost technology; Aguelite and Germatron. With these crystals, they can power the EMMA motor. Aguelite Crystal is mined near the Town of Holst. A few Germatron Crystals are supposed to be left in the shut-down Raline Observatory. Both Holst and Raline are in Sylvaland.

After the events in Raline Observatory Irving mentions that the next mission will include contacting the Guardians, but everyone is dismissed until then. Direct Ashley back to Meria where some thugs seem to be after the orphans; more specifically, Tim. Kate calls in a report of a large flying object over the town -- the Varukisas! Irving calls him back to the chateau. In the enemy aircraft, Ptolomea unleashes a creation for ARMS to play with down below... Back at Irving's place, the party sees what the EMMA Motor was for...raising the chateau and using *that* as the pursuit vehicle! All hands on deck!

BOSS: Progenitor Bird with Wings of Light Aphael.

Back in town, Ashley tells Tim that someone may be after his mystical powers and he should come to the Valeria household for awhile. Irving suggets going to where Tim was born to calm his fears about controlling the Guardians. Meanwhile, Tim's friends Tony and Scott make like stowaways and manage to get into one of Valeria's compartments (Odessa could learn a thing or two from these rascals). By the way, the elevator now goes to B1/B2, and on B1 is a ring shop that sells accessories for elemental damage (i.e. imbue user's weapon with element). There's nothing to do on B2, however, except talk with engineers and see a launching pad. That'll be used later on... <cackle> Talk to Altaecia [2F] to learn about a cave "far to the northwest, by a Landing Pad no one knows about" if you want to do an optional sidequest  involving the Wind Tiger's Den.

Anyway, Valeria Chateau is now a maiden of the skies and is the first transport e party gets! It even comes with an auto-pilot, meaning no one has to seek out the destination, being the village of Tim's tribe, the Baskars. The place is due southwest from the chateau's old resting place. Why is there a landing pad in the middle of a lush forest? Who knows? Irving rings the party to tell 'em Baskar's in the middle of the woods (as if it wasn't obvious). Follow the verdant ridge north and search near the seaside.

