Wild Arms Wiki

Tripillar  is a recurring dungeon through out the Wild Arms series, It is a construction located in the Inner Sea.

At this point in the story it is optional for the player to choose whether to first explore this region or Volcannon Trap, in any case it will only be after the completion of these two that Giant's Cradle can be accessed with both keys.

Wild Arms[]

The Blue Virtue Key[]

Teleport system

Teleport system

The group follows three different paths, and at the end of the route activate three different statues that open the door that was sealed as soon as they entered the place. Inside the room there was only one chest quite attractive.

Before they could open it a voice echoed in the room:

"the shrine belongs to me and no one else! May a swift death come their way."


Mage Fox appears

Mage Fox comes to ambush the group. After long battle the group gets the object they came for, Blue Virtue.

Now that they have Red Malice and Blue Virtue the group may have access to Giant's Cradle.



