Wild Arms Wiki

Sielje Region (Japanese:シエルジェ自治領)[1] is a town in Wild Arms 2. It's an isolated town of scholars, not affiliated with any country.


The party visits the town after Warwing Varukisas is shot down, and they retrieve its data tablets. In order to decrypt them, Irving Vold Valeria orders ARMS to visit the Sielje Region. Lilka reveals that it's her hometown, and she's not pleased to return here, but goes along with the party anyway. The group passes through the Mt. Chug-Chug, and enters the town. They deliver tablets for decryption, only for them to be stolen that night, with the only information they manage to get is the location of Odessa's Alchemic Plant. The group leaves the town and pursues the thieves to the Gate Bridge.


Weapon shop[]

  • Raid Blast (3100)
  • Chain Mail (3000)
  • Gay Parasol (2500)
  • Silky Robe (2100)
  • Crisis Arm (3500)
  • Metal Plate (3200)
  • Dream Wand (2300)
  • Sand Poncho (2000)

