Wild Arms Wiki

Promised Catacombs is a optional dungeon that appears in Wild Arms 2. FIRST ACCESSIBLE: After completing the Crimson Castle side quest, and after Marivel reads the foreign book in Meria Boule Castle and you need Tim's last tool, too. Its located on a Island in SW of world map, covered in forest.

Wild Arms 2[]

Remember, you have to read the book I just mentioned to unlock the location. Fly Lombardia to this island and land him in the only bare patch, near the NW edge of the island. Walk all the way to the E edge and search to reveal the catacombs.

  • TOOLS: Windup Key (Marivel)
  • ARMOR: Ebony Shade (Marivel)
  • ITEMS: Mecha Boost, Crest
  • MEDIUM: Dan Dairam

Inside, use the Mist Cloak to cross the gap dead ahead, then climb the stairs and look for the electric symbol in the NW corner. Shoot it with the Electel. Go around and down the stairs behind the wall, then go past the creepy smiling block and open the chest behind it. Use your new tool on the funny block, then get the other chest and exit the room on the E side. Here, you have to use the key on the block, then it'll travel a short distance along a path in total darkness. You have to watch where it goes and then follow its course exactly, or you'll fall into the pit. If you do fall, you restart only at the last point that you wound the block up, and not right at the beginning of the room. At the end of the path, the block hops over a gap, and you need to use the Mist Cloak again to cross it (if N is up on the screen, then you can see the edge of the path against the background of the wall ahead). Pick up the chests on the side then go through the door.

In the room with the coffins, there's a door on the E wall that needs a Duplicator to open. Inside, you'll find the Guardian of Spacetime. Now, from the room with the coffins again, go N for Marivel to have a little alone time. You end up outside automatically after this. Go back in and down to the last room if you want to read the books in there.

And now, Tim's Space-Time trick! With Dan Dairam, Tim becomes a force to be reckoned with, as long as you have supply of Full Carrots. Here's how it works: Using Hi-Combo with Dan Dairam freezes time for everyone except Tim for 3 turns, letting him get in free attacks, peek up Lilka's skirt, etc. Once he uses this ability, he can then use a Full Carrot to bring his FP back to 100, then use a powerful non-force attack, then use Hi-Combo again on the third turn to keep time frozen. In this way, he can decimate any enemy at his leisure, and yes, it is effective on bosses. Unfortunately, Full Carrots are pretty rare; there are only 4 in the game, so reserve this trick for your most dire moments only.


Return to the Lost Garden[]

On the island in the middle of the Inner Sea, only reachable via hovercraft. Back in the Lost Garden, Enter the first room after stepping on the red squares, and use the Windup Key on the funny block to unlock a side door. Go in and open the many chests, including the one containing Marivel's last tool.

  • ITEMS: Duplicator, Crest, Mecha Boost, Full Revive
  • TOOLS: My Mike (Marivel)


