The Reform Party "Odessa" is an organization in Wild Arms 2. It's a terrorist group that aims to take over the world.
Odessa was formed by Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus sometime during the five-year interval between the fall of Slayheim and the beginning of the game. Their first known act was the attack on the Sword Cathedral, when members of the newly-formed ARMS were turned into demons with the Demon Summoning ritual. However, they failed to realize that there was one survivor, Ashley Winchester, who managed to contain the demon's power with the help of the holy Argetlahm blade. Ashley was then invited into the reformed ARMS under the command of Irving Vold Valeria, which would become Odessa's greatest enemy.
Over the course of the story, ARMS battle Odessa numerous times, such as at the Mt. Chug-Chug, Golgotha Prison, Emulator Zone, Warwing Varukisas, and Alchemic Plant. While ARMS manage to destroy many of its assets, Odessa manages to get their hands on several weapons of mass destruction, planning to use them in order to intimidate the world's leaders into surrendering. However, the party manages to interrupt the usage of the heavy ARM "Soul Deleter", and, traversing through four Diablo Pillars, confront and kill all four members of the Cocytus, Odessa's elite squad. Following that, ARMS infiltrate the Heimdal Gazzo, Odessa's flying fortress, and defeat Vinsfeld. However, he still manages to launch a nuclear weapon, the Nuclear Dragon Grauswein. Ashley has to transform into KnightBlazer and sacrifice himself in order to alter it course.
Later, when investigating the Fiery Wreckage of Heimdal Gazzo, the party finds evidence that Odessa in no small part was funded by Irving himself, in order to create a credible threat to the world, and force it to unite under one banner. Even if ARMS were to fail, Odessa would still unite the world under its control, still able to oppose the threat of Kuiper Belt, which was known to Vinsfeld.