Maya Schröedinger is a recurring character in Wild Arms 3, playing the role of the sharp-tongue rival to Virginia Maxwell and the leader of the world-renowned Schröedinger Family, as well as the older sister of Alfred.
Maya first appeared in Serpent's Coils searching for the second shield and hoping to get a large sum of money along the side. Like Virginia, Maya is a brave strong-willed woman who isn't afraid to get what she wants. Despite her views on justice, Maya has a strong belief in the codes of the wasteland and because of this, Maya can come across as being harsh and cold-blooded to some people, none-the-less a loving heart beats within her.
Maya is based off of Calamity Jane whom appeared in the original Wild Arms, and bears a strong physical resemblance to that character. She is the only person to use ARMS in the group, namely the Vantage Rage MM pistol, the AW-RSTN87 minigun, and a few other ARMs which aren't named. Of course, there is an open question on if any of these ARMs are actually real (see below).
Wild Arms 3[]

Maya and the Schröedinger Family
Serpent Coils (1º Battle)[]
- HP: 670
- EXP: 46
- GELLA: 50
- Halved: NONE
- Resist: NONE
- Weak: NONE
- Active: NONE
- Absorbed: NONE
- Blonde's Attacks:
- Vantage Rage MM (physical attack, counterattack)
- AW-RSTN87 (strong physical attack)
How To Win:
Blonde is the biggest threat in the battle, but you can't lay a finger on her until Afro is taken down. Afro heals anyone aside from himself if they are attacked, and he does it instantly. Afro can also confuse characters with Psycho Crack, so use a Pinwheel to cure that. Start off by casting Cremate on Afro to set his afro ablaze. This causes him to suffer from the greatest RPG status ailment ever; Flaming Afro (this acts like poison, hitting him for damage every turn). Focus your attacks on him, and heal as soon as necessary. Generally, Cat? and Blonde will do only minor damage (and you can block his attacks out with some Personal Skills), and Timid Boy will do barely any damage at all. Afro is your biggest problem, so get rid of him ASAP. Try to Mystic a Lucky Card as soon as possible, and cure Confusion right away!
When Afro is down, the fight becomes easier. Next, focus your physical attacks on Timid Boy, and cast Pressure on Cat? to exploit its water weakness. Heal with Gallows when needed, and these guys will go down in no time. Finally, go after Blonde. Beware of Blonde when she has low HP, as she will use her AW-RSTN87 attack, which is quite powerful. She shouldn't last long enough for this to be a threat, however. FYI, if you defeat Blonde, the fight ends, so take down the other guys first for extra EXP!
Gemstone Cave (2º Battle)[]
- HP: 1650
- EXP: 660
- GELLA: 650
- Halved: NONE
- Resist: NONE
- Weak: NONE
- Active: NONE
- Absorbed: NONE
- Maya's Attacks:
- Various elemental Arcana to all targets
- Supressed Curse? (dark elemental magic to one)
- Eraser (nullifies target's positive status)
How To Win:
This fight is like a MUCH tougher version of the one back in Serpent's Coils, aside from one difference; Maya. Maya no longer uses her old attacks, and now hits your entire team with elemental Arcana every turn. It's a very good idea to bring up the Medium menu on your first turn and set as many elemental ward skills as you can up to full for each character, to reduce the damage taken. Meanwhile, start the fight by building your FP up to use a Mystic + Lucky Card, and Gella Card any of the bosses; they are all worth the same amount of Gella.
As before, Todd must be taken down first, or he will heal his allies. If, by chance, he confuses a character with Psycho Crack, use a Pinwheel to cure it immediately. Focus your attacks on Todd, and don't bother with Cremate; it's not worth the damage Jet can do with Shoot. As your HP goes down from Maya's magic attacks, get Gallows up to 25 FP, then use Extension to extend the Valiant spell to your entire team (you might want to change turn order so that Gallows goes first). On the next turn, Maya will probably cast Eraser on your entire party to nullify Valiant, but by this time, you may very well have defeated Todd with your attacks. Don't bother healing until your Valiant runs out, unless someone is at about 300 HP.
Once Todd is taken out, focus on Shady or Alfred. Maya should be defeated last, because if she loses, the fight ends, and the other two have EXP and Gella that you don't want to miss. From this point forward, have Virginia heal with a Mystic Heal Berry if absolutely needed, and attack with everyone, especially Gallows, because he needs to get his FP back up for another Valiant. Luckily, Shady and Alfred have fairly low HP totals. Once the two of them are down, Maya will be very easy to defeat.
If it all doesn't work out, don't be discouraged. Try again, and things might work out better next time. This is one of the toughest fights in the game, and it's doubtful you'll win the first time through. If you don't mind missing the EXP, go ahead and and take down Maya right after Todd. And if you get completely stuck on this battle, head outside and level up until you hit Level 25. 25 is a milestone level; it allows you to Mystic a Lucky Card or Extension + Valiant on your FIRST TURN! This will give you an extra turn, which may not sound like much, but it really helps in a tight battle like this. Best of luck!
Survey Point #17 (3º Battle)[]
- HP: 2040
- EXP: 1100
- GELLA: 1200
- Halved: NONE
- Resist: NONE
- Weak: NONE
- Active: NONE
- Absorbed: NONE
- Maya's Attacks:
- Pike Thruster (physical attack to one)
- Phalanx (physical attack to one)
How To Win:
Thanks to the Manga of the Month club, Maya is now a karate master who looks suspiciously like Jean from Lunar: Eternal Blue. She hits really hard with that stick, so be prepared for a tough fight!
But she's not your first target. As usual, Todd must be defeated first and foremost, and you must defeat him quickly. Start with the usual procedure, though Fragile may not work on him, and make sure you use Extend + Valiant to help out. Watch out for his Divide Shot move, and make sure you clear up confusion status IMMEDIATELY! If anyone's HP gets into the "red" numbers, heal right away. Keep attacking Todd until he gives up the ghost (where's your "Todd" now?), and then, focus on Maya. You can actually defeat her this time without ending the fight, so focus your attacks on her to bring her down to earth. Afterwards, deal with Alfred and Shady, who are both absolutely nothing to worry about.
The Human Template[]
Maya's overall resemblence to Jane Maxwell isn't an accident. She is actually a "Template" that can assume the characteristics of any particular chracter she reads about (within reason). Since her favorite book is apparently "Disaster Girl of the Wasteland", she literally adopts the Jane Maxwell persona most of the time. She also, however, appears as a Magical Girl, Martial Artist Master, and "Egg-Head". The last persona seems to be closest as to what Maya is really like.
This "Template" ability may also explain just how Maya can summon weapons from apparently nothing, or how she can ruffle her skirt a little bit and spontaneously generate a minigun! These may not actually be real weapons at all, just simply manifestations of her ability. Indeed, Zeikfried even goes so far as to declare her abilities as "extreme illusions", which effectively makes her an extremely powerful psychic with decidedly unusual manifestations of her power.
Wonder Witch Abilities[]
Maya as "Wonder Witch"
Maya assumes this form in Gemstone Cave deciding that magic is a better way to confront Virginia than just shooting at one another. She gains attacks based on the common elemental attacks within the game. She throws the book "Wonder Witch" at Virginia's feet as she announces the true nature of her powers.
- Pressure - Water magic attack against entire group
- Suppressed Curse? - Dark magic attack against single character
- Vortex - Wind magic attack against entire group
- Cremate - Fire magic attack against entire group
Fighting Artist Abilities[]
Maya assumes this form in Survey Point #17 by reading the famous martial-arts novel "The Plot to Kill". She assumes a strong martial-artist role in order to confront Virginia one more time. While her moves are supposedly based on martial arts, they're named after the moves that Kanon uses in Wild Arms 2.
- Pike Thruster - Physical damage attack against one character
- Phalanx - Physical damage attack against one character
Gunslinger Girl Abilities[]
This is Maya's most common form (though not her normal one). As Gunslinger Girl, she possesses a number of ARM-based attacks and can seemingly pull these weapons out of nowhere. This power comes from the novel "Disaster Girl of the Wasteland" which seems to be a story detailing the adventures of Jane Maxwell from the original Wild Arms.
- Vantage Rage MM - ARM attack against one character
- AW-RSTN87 - Heavy ARM attack against one character
- Calamity Jane - Extremely heavy multiple-ARM attack against one character.
Bookworm Girl[]
In reality, Maya is actually a very 'nerdish' type of girl who has a massive library and extremely high intelligence. (She is also decidedly near-sighted, complete with thick marked glasses.) In this form, the Prophets use her power against her by making her study the details of the Yggdrasil system. She does not engage in combat with anyone in this form, and it seems she can't muster any confidence in herself when she's simply 'Normal'.
Wild Arms: Million Memories[]
Maya appears with her cohorts in the Schroedinger family in Wild Arms: Million Memories.
- ↑ ワイルドアームズ アドヴァンスドサード - Wikipedia (Japanese)