- "Goodbye" and "Hello"
- ...A Lightless Abyss Is There
- 1 Gella Coin
- ARMS Crazy
- ARM Meister
- ARM Modification
- ATK Apple
- A Bao a Qu
- A Black Shadow the Coffin Attracts
- A Boy meets a Girl and ARMS
- A Broken Needle Flowing in the Heart
- A Castle Entangled in Thorns
- A Dark World Looming Behind
- A Distant Elegy
- A Dramatic Return
- A Duelist's Melancholy
- A Flickering Flame in the Darkness
- A Future Wet With Tears
- A King That Surpasses 100 Demons
- A Momentary Respite
- A Murderous Intent Fiercely Slapping the Cheeks
- A Muzzle Dancing in Hatred
- A Night of Old Tales
- A Party So Long As the Stars Exist
- A Person's Warmth
- A Pursuing Crisis
- A Rusted Scar
- A Shadow Cast by the Fallen Tree
- A Small Step Towards a Big Dream
- A Spring Breeze Gone Mad Like a Tiger
- A Thrust of Betrayal
- A True Lie
- A Vast Plain, Under That Sky
- A Waterside Where Migratory Birds Gather
- A World Where Life Gathers
- Aaman
- Abandoned Icebox
- Abandoned Path
- Abandoned Village
- Abbey
- Abraham
- Absolute Power
- Abyss
- Accelerator
- Acid Bunny
- Acrobat Shift
- Acute Knife
- Adelhyde Princess
- Adlehyde
- Admiration and Spurts of Blood
- Adult Mag
- Advanced Third
- Advanced Wind
- Adventure Guard
- Aello
- Aeria Guard
- Aerial Fortress Eulalia
- Affair of the Fargaia Express
- After the Chaos and Destruction
- Agaless
- Agawogdent
- Agile Apple
- Agion
- Agion Black
- Agion Blue
- Agion Red
- Agion White
- Agion Yellow
- Agnija Hagentaph
- Aguel Mine Shaft
- Agungaluda
- Aiming for the Land of the Plenty
- Aipeloss
- Akifumi Kaneko
- Al Gebar
- Alarm Clock
- Albion
- Alcatraz
- Alcedonia
- Alchemic Plant
- Alexia Lynn Elesius
- Alfase
- Alfred Schröedinger
- Alhazad
- Alicia Fairhead
- All alone in the world
- Alligatiger
- Alone the world: Wild Arms Vocal Collection
- Alone the world (song)
- Alphael
- Alraune
- Altecia Rune Valeria
- Alter code:F
- Amber Disc
- Ambrosia
- Amengard
- Amethyst Cloak
- Amethyst Ring
- Amon
- Amplifier
- Amy Fairchild
- An Encounter in the Sunset
- Anabel
- Anastasia Valeria
- Ancient Arena
- Ancient Civilization Exhibition
- Ancient Wall
- Andy
- Angel
- Angela
- Angelica
- Ankh Garb
- Annaberge
- Anomalies
- Anomaly Gang
- Ant Lion
- Antenora Victoria
- Antidote
- Ape Man Junma
- Ape Man Vargon
- Aphelion Edge
- April showers
- Aptrganga
- Aqualeaper
- Arachnid
- Arcanist
- Archangel
- Arctica
- Arctica Castle
- Ard
- Argetlahm
- Argoth
- Arioch
- Ark Scepter
- Ark of Destiny
- Armed Fantasia
- Armordrake
- Arms Killer
- Army Wall
- Arnaud Vasquez
- Aru Sulato
- As time goes by ~We Won't Forget~
- Ascomid
- Asgard
- Ashes to Ashes
- Ashley Winchester
- Asia
- Asmodeus
- Aspick
- Asprilla
- Assassin Bug
- At the Frozen Depths of the Heart
- Atlachnacha
- Atlas
- Atomos Knife
- Audrey
- Aughisky
- Augst Henriksen
- Aura
- Aurvandil
- Autumn River
- Avenger
- Avril Vent Fleur
- Axe Beak
- Axel Sonics
- Azhi Dahaka
- Babalou
- Bad News
- Bad Virus
- Bado
- Balam
- Balao
- Balazs
- Balberith
- Balgaine Ales
- Ballack Rise
- Balloon
- Ballotfish
- Balor
- Balphon
- Bamulvris
- Bandits' Forest
- Baphomet
- Barbados
- Barghest
- Baron Garb
- Base Port Mozzelen
- Basilisk
- Basilisk Eye
- Baskar
- Batour
- Battle: Knight Blazer
- Battle: Mother
- Battle: VS Cocytus
- Battle: VS Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt
- Battle: VS Liz and Ard
- Battle: VS Lord Blazer
- Battle: VS Mid-Boss
- Battle: VS Ragu O Ragula
- Battle: VS Root of the Kuiper Belt
- Battle: VS Solid
- Battle: VS Vinsfeld
- Battle: Zeik
- Battle Arena
- Battle Circle
- Battle Force
- Bayonet
- Bayonet User that Dream of Hero
- Bayonet that Strike Heaven
- Bearcat
- Beast Pillar
- Beast Slug
- Beatrice
- Beauty and the Shining Sword
- Because You Are Here Looking Up at the Sky
- Beckoning Bewitching Princess
- Becky
- Belial
- Believe in Your Power
- Belleclaire
- Bellzebob
- Belphegor
- Bemzuu
- Beowulf
- Berial
- Berlitz
- Berry Cave
- Berserk
- Berserker
- Berserker (Wild Arms 2)
- Berserker (song)
- Betelgeuse
- Biber Zehr
- Big Bang Round
- Big Critter
- Big Entrance
- Billy Pilder
- Bionic Arm Moving through the Darkness
- Bird's-eye View Test
- Bird=Rain
- Bishop Garb
- Bitter Tears of Purification
- Black Bancho
- Black Box
- Black Fenrir
- Black Market
- Black Pass
- Black Sabath
- Black Shirt
- Black Trigger
- Black Uniform
- Black as Sin, Red as Blood
- Blackou
- Blade Justice Piercing The Darkness
- Blade Soldier
- Blank Easel
- Blastodon
- Blood, Tears, and the Dried-up Wasteland
- Blood Ruby
- Bloodhorn
- Blue Amity Beach
- Blue Book
- Blue Caravan
- Blue Destiny
- Blue Knight that Keep to His Belief
- Blue Snail
- Bockle
- Bodysnatcher
- Bogey
- Bonedrake
- Boomerang
- Boot Hill
- Bostbaboon
- Bounty Guard
- Bower
- Brad Evans
- Brandisher
- Brandt
- Brass Guard
- Brave Wall
- Break Points
- Breath Born of Mud
- Breath Mint
- Breeze Ring
- Brewer
- Briareos
- Brigade Master
- Brionac
- Brittany Shrewsbury
- Broad Sword
- Brokel
- Broken Stardust, Dancing in the Wasteland
- Bronze Moon
- Bronze Ring
- Bronze Sun
- Bruce
- Bruiser
- Brutal Fangs and Claws
- Bryan
- Buckbaird
- Buckeye Station
- Buer
- Bulkogidon
- Bullet Clip
- Bullet Shower
- Bullseye
- Burning Booster
- Burst Knife
- Buster Cannon
- Butler's Suit
- Cactus Man
- Cage Tower
- Caging Tower
- Caina
- Call Whistle
- Calucion Pass
- Camazotz
- Camus
- Candy Rocket
- Capable Woman and Famous Magician
- Capo Bronco
- Captain Bartholomew
- Captain Bartholomew (Wild Arms 5)
- Captain Geist
- Captor
- Carbuncle
- Carnage Sword
- Carol Anderson
- Carrying out Brother’s Will
- Castle
- Castle of Flames
- Castle of the Heavenly Gods
- Cat's Sigh
- Catastrophe Now
- Catch, Call, and Awaken
- Catching a Glimpse of Hell
- Catherine Winslett
- Catoblepas
- Cavam Valley