Wild Arms Wiki

In Wild Arms 2, Mediums can be acquired by finding their corresponding tablets in shrines, scattered around the world.


Guardian: Grudiev
Acquisition: Town of Meria: Automatically given by Tim
Stats VIT +10%
Custom Command: Defencer: The user defends and takes all normal attacks against allies for this turn
Summon Effect: Magnetron Bomb: Earth attack /All


Guardian: Schturdark
Acquisition: Valeria Chateau: Can be found in a chest
Stats SOR +10%
Custom Command: Analyze: Reveals one enemy's level, HP, and weaknesses (doesn't work on bosses)
Summon Effect: Assault Tide: Water attack /All

Moor Gault[]

Guardian: Moor Gault
Acquisition: Valeria Chateau: Can be found in a chest
Stats STR +10%
Custom Command: Smash Hit: Normal attack with higher power but 75% accuracy
Summon Effect: Vapor Blast: Fire attack /All


Guardian: Odoryuk
Acquisition: Baskar: Tim has this Medium equipped by default
Stats VIT +10%, SOR +10%
Custom Command: Dig Out: Find random items on the battlefield
Summon Effect: Live Horn: Heals and revives all allies


Guardian: Fengalon
Acquisition: Wind Tiger's Den: Tablet at the end
Stats RES +10%
Custom Command: Pickpocket: A chance to steal the enemy's item
Summon Effect: Molecular Break: Wind attack /All

Noua Shax[]

Guardian: Noua Shax
Acquisition: Thunder Lion Cage: Tablet at the end
Stats RES +20%
Custom Command: Aiming: Normal attack with better accuracy
Summon Effect: Dash Corrida: Lightning attack /All

Aru Sulato[]

Guardian: Aru Sulato
Acquisition: Abandoned Icebox: Tablet at the end
Stats STR +20%
Custom Command: Power Charge: Boost attack power for normal attack next turn
Summon Effect: Ice Coffin: Ice attack /All

Stare Roe[]

Guardian: Stare Roe
Acquisition: Shining Garden: Tablet at the end
Stats STR +10%, VIT +10%
Custom Command: Shoot Item: Uses a special item from inventory for an attack
Summon Effect: Soul Deleter: Light attack /All

Leitea Salk[]

Guardian: Leitea Salk
Acquisition: Dark Reason: Tablet at the end
Stats SOR +10%, RES +10%
Custom Command: Counterattack: The user damages enemies in response to normal attacks for that turn
Summon Effect: Negative Zone: Dark attack /All

Ge Ramtos[]

Guardian: Ge Ramtos
Acquisition: Lost City Archheim: Tablet hidden in a house at the western side
Stats SOR +20%
Custom Command: Hide in Shadows: The user is invisible to enemies for that turn
Summon Effect: Ge Maximum: Chance of Instant Death /All


Guardian: Rigdobrite
Acquisition: Meteorite Crater: Tablet at the end
Stats STR +10%, RES +10%
Custom Command: Artifact: Uses an artifact found in Meteorite Crater for an elemental attack
Summon Effect: Operation Meteo: Non-elemental attack /All


Guardian: Chapapanga
Acquisition: Good Luck Zone: Tablet at the end
Stats STR +15%, VIT +15%, SOR +15%, RES +15%
Custom Command: Randomizer: Use random original power learned regardless of FP required
Summon Effect: Lucky Shot: Damage random single target and make it drop its item, if any

Dan Dairam[]

Guardian: Dan Dairam
Acquisition: Promised Catacombs: Tablet behind a duplicator door on the western side of the coffin room
Stats SOR +50%
Custom Command: Move Canceller: Chance of canceling the target's action for that turn
Summon Effect: System Chronos: Freezes time for three turns for everyone but Tim


Guardian: Raftina
Acquisition: Sacrificial Altar: Find the "Stone God" item

Baskar: Talk to Colette after Trapezohedron

Stats STR +5%, VIT +20%, SOR +30%, RES +5%
Custom Command: Invincible: The user is immune to all attacks and effects that turn
Summon Effect: Seraphim Goat: Chance of instant death /All; heals party unless the battle is over


Guardian: Zephyr
Acquisition: Sacrificial Altar: Find the "Stone Dragon" item

Valeria Chateau: Talk to Marina after Trapezohedron

Stats STR +20%, VIT +20%, SOR +10%, RES +10%
Custom Command: Force Charge: The user gets 25 FP
Summon Effect: Terra Faust: All-elemental attack /All


Guardian: Justine
Acquisition: Sacrificial Altar: Find the "Stone Lion" item

T'Bok Village: Talk to Billy after Trapezohedron

Stats STR +20%, VIT +10%, RES +30%
Custom Command: Branch Zap: Normal attack on all foes, with damage divided between targets
Summon Effect: Justine Attack: Non-elemental attack /All