Lilka Eleniak is a playable character in Wild Arms 2 and Wild Arms: Million Memories.
Wild Arms 2[]
Lilka hails from the Sielje Region, where she grew up in the shadow of her much more talented sister, nicknamed "Witch-Girl". However, after her sister died in an accident, Lilka ran away from her hometown, and has travelled the world since then. While usually bubbly and upbeat, Lilka is still plagued by insecurities about her abilities, believing that her sister would have easily solved the problems she struggles with.
Lilka is introduced in her prologue, saving Palace Village from the monster Olivier. Some time after that, she's invited by Irving Vold Valeria into the reformed ARMS in the stead of "Witch-Girl", and on her way towards the Valeria Chateau she encounters Ashley Winchester and joins him. She accepts Irving's invitation, and serves as a part of ARMS from there on.
Art of Wild Arms Bio[]
"Little Sorceress with an Umbrella"
A sorceress in training-and in need of it. Not very good at spellcasting, and particularly bad at teleportation.
Wild Arms 5[]
Lilka makes an appearance in Wild Arms 5, as a delivery girl. When the player has reached a certain part of the game, Dean will generously trade Teleport Orbs with Lilka, whose Orb seems to be malfunctioning. Lilka is also part of another side-quest, involving Ashley Winchester.
Wild Arms Million Memories[]
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As Party Member[]
Until Tim joins, Lilka will be the team's only source of magic for a while. Her job will largely be to keep Ashley and Brad healed while also dishing out elemental damage when possible. As expected of a mage, her physical parameters are lower than her male allies, but she is more durable than Tim due to a higher HP and defense level in comparison. She can last longer than he can in some more difficult battles, but it would be wise to cast Shield on her to keep her safe. Lilka's attacking options are limited in the beginning due to the lack of Crests, so the player must compensate by changing her magic list at various times to suit the present area until more become available. Like Cecilia before her, Lilka will need to make frequent use of her Mystic ability in order to keep the party alive during difficult bosses, who tend to target the entire party with their special moves. Her Extend and Dual Cast abilities increase her versatility once she gains them later on.
In-Game Status[]
Lilka in the Beginning of Gameplay
Main Status
Force Ability
Original Commands[]
Lilka makes use of Crest Sorcery. She can learn new spells by finding blank Crests and creating spells in magic guilds, found in most towns. She's able to learn Tier Two spells only after a sidequest on the Island Outpost.
- | Earth | Fire | Wind | Water |
Earth | Break (Earth dmg, single) |
Shield (Ups DEF) |
Air Screen (Up PRY) |
Heal (Restores HP) |
Fire | Protect (Ups MGR) |
Flame (Fire dmg, single) |
Spark (Lightning dmg, single) |
Dispel (Dispels spells) |
Wind | Rise&Shine (Awakens; prevents Sleep) |
MageWeapon (Ups ATP) |
Vortex (Wind dmg, single) |
Freeze (Ice dmg, single) |
Water | Revive (Revives a fallen character) |
Reflect (Reflects spells) |
Quick (Ups RES) |
Aqua (Water dmg, single) |
- | Earth | Fire | Wind | Water |
Earth | Hi-Break |
Armor Down |
Field |
Hi-Heal |
Fire | Irresist |
Hi-Flame |
Hi-Spark |
Saber |
Wind | Restore |
HypeWeapon |
Hi-Vortex |
Hi-Freeze |
Water | Hi-Revive |
MightBody |
Slowdown |
Hi-Aqua |
- Though not outright stated, it's implied that Lilka may have accidently caused her sister's death. It is known that the Witch-Girl died in an experiment with a magical artifact, which could be the Millenium Puzzle, and Lilka is guided through it by her voice in the prologue. This would explain her insecurity, as well as hesitance to use the Puzzle to save Ashley.
- For unknown reasons, Lilka has trouble using teleportation, despite being a mage. She's seen fumbling the spell in her prologue, and later, the Island Outpost is unlocked when Lilka uses the Teleport Orb, arriving to it instead of the original destination.
- It's been cited in one source or another that Lilka's favorite food is jelly rolls (although in the original Japanese version it was yakisoba bread).
- ↑ ワイルドアームズ セカンドイグニッション - Wikipedia (Japanese)
- ↑ Wikipedia - Moyu Arishima (Japanese)