Wild Arms Wiki

Island Outpost is a little island hidden on Inner Sea in Wild Arms 2.

Wild Arms 2[]


Here's a little back-and-forth sidequest to make Lilka learn better magicks!

01) Talk to Karayan in the Sielje magic college's library. He'll tell them
    about a guy named "Mr. Day" who was sent accidentally to a place where
    no one could get to him, land OR sea.
02) Make Lilka the party leader and use the TeleportOrb. Instead of going to
    the selected destination, she'll mess up (duh!) and end up at an isolated
    island in the middle of the ocean. Search to find the outpost. Enter.
03) Walk clockwise around the fence and get the [WEATHERVANE] accessory and
    go inside. It's none other than Mr. Day's house! He says he's secretly
    been researching Crest Sorcery and has finished the lineage of High Level
    Magic recently. He gives them the [HIGH CREST] and asks them to deliver
    it back to Karayan. Day says after you're done, to come back and he'll
    have some magick for 'em by then.
Wa2 Island Outpost crest
04) Deliver the High Crest back to Karayan, then return to the outpost.
05) Mr. Day will now let Lilka learn high-leveled magic. If you don't have
    enough crests, erase some of the little-used ones. Stuff you should get
    * Hi-Revive (revies with full HP)
    * Hi-Heal   (heal medium amt. of HP)
    * Field     (halves elemental damage) 
    * Restore   (removes status abnormalities)
06) But it ain't over yet! Return to Karayan and talk to him to learn he's
    spread the knowledge of High Level magic all over the world. Magick shops
    will now have the option of learning both levels! Speaking with Karayan

MUST be done before the shops 'learn' of the finds.

