Heimdal Gazzo (Japanese:ヘイムダル・ガッツォー)[1] is a dungeon in Wild Arms 2. The name "Heimdal" comes from a god in Norse mythology who was a lookout with precognitive abilities.[2]
Wild Arms 2[]
Head N through the first couple of doors. You have to press X at the doors to open them. When you get a selection of doors, enter the blue one and switch the terminal inside, so that the red ones are unlocked too. Enter the left red door and head W from inside there. You find yourself in a maze. First, keep heading W until you hit the W wall, then go to the terminal just S of your position to turn on the light. That's better now, isn't it? Now head up to the N wall and step on the glowing green teleporter.
Enter the door it takes you to and switch the door lock mode to blue. Now retrace your steps to the central room and enter the middle, red door. You can now enter the green door on the far side, and then the red door on the side of the next room. This next part can get a bit confusing. From where you enter the room, you have to teleport pads you can step on. Step on the N pad, then the E pad where you end up, then jump down to the wide raised area around the wall you show up on. Jump into the pit on the E side and take the N pad in there.
Take the N pad in the box you end up in, and activate the switch at the computer terminal.Jump down. Step on the teleport pad in the NW corner of the room, then the pad in the SE corner of the box you're in, then on the pad on the little wall you end up on. This takes you to the door that exits this area, also leading you to an Amazing Stone (in the pit on the E side of the other room, if you take the S pad after activating the door switch, you can reach a bunch of strong healing gems, too).If you take the teleport pad here, you'll return to the entrance. Otherwise, head on in to the belly of the beast. Leader of Odessa, Vinsfield.
Now, you have to figure out how to get out of this place. Head forward in the cockpit and go out the green door on the side. From here, you all split up. It can get kind of complicated switching back and forth, so I'll lay it out as clearly as I can.
1. Start with Lilka. Head E and push the crate onto the blue diamond floor panel. Cross to the S side of the room and go through the door. You can enter the blue door and pick up some healing crystals, or just switch the security mode to blue at the computer terminal. Head through the red door and stop at the wall beyond it.
2. Tim is next. Go through the red door, then stand on the blue diamond and run over the wall when it lowers. In the next room, ignore the blocks and head through the green door. Go up the stairs at the crossroads and through the green door. Stand on the diamond and shoot the block ahead of you twice with the Air Ballet.
3. As Lilka, step forward onto the wall that Tim just lowered.
4. As Tim again, shoot the block one more time to bring Lilka up. Go back to the crossroads and wait by the E raised wall.
5. Lilka now advances and goes through the N green door to stand on the blue diamond above Tim.
6. Kanon now goes through her first door and stands on the first blue diamond.
7. Brad does the same on his side.
8. Kanon now continues through the next red door. Stand on the diamond on the narrow walkway, then run past the wall before it rises again. In the next room, enter the red door and stand on the blue diamond opposite Lilka.
9. Tim can now use Pooka to reach the green computer terminal and switch it on.Go down the stairs at the crossroads behind him and enter the blue door. Cross under the bridge, go through the next door and wait there.
10. Brad can now go through his blue door, pull the block S, then push it E and N onto the blue diamond. Go through the far door, step on the diamond, step onto the wall, and jump down on the other side and enter the door there. He now needs to cross the bridge/wall, pulling the crate behind him, and leave the crate in the middle of that wall. Stand on the blue diamond to lower it to Tim's level.
11. Tim now shoots the block with the Air Ballet once.
12. Brad walks to the next blue diamond and stands on it.
13. Tim enters his door and stands next to the high computer terminal.
14. Kanon can now return to the previous room and enter the blue door on this side of the bridge. She must now take the narrow walkway and pull the block one space to the N, then walk around behind it, stand on the diamond, and push it further N until it falls into the gap. She can then cross and stand on the blue diamond.
15. Tim can now reach the red terminal and switch the security system. He may now enter the final green door to reach his escape pod.
16. Lilka can now go through the green, then the blue door to reach her escape pod.
17. Brad can now enter his green door to reach his escape pod. 18. Kanon's escape pod is just through the green door beside her.But it's not over yet! Must face Vinsfield again; He is appreciably weaker, which fits with the story at least. You probably won't need to heal the entire fight. It's easy to build up enough HP to use Access and then Banisher for a quick fight.