Wild Arms Wiki

Glaive Le Gable is the final dungeon of Wild Arms 2. It's the Guardian of Mud, the source of all life on Filgaia.


Glaive Le Gable is the Guardian of Mud, the primordial source of life for all of Filgaia, including even the other Guardians. Despite its tremendous power, Glaive Le Gable is not sentient; it merely regulates the lifeforce of the world. Tremendous in size, the Guardian takes the appearance of an ocean of blue mud, that serves as the core of the planet.

The party descends to Glaive Le Gable in order to finally defeat Kuiper Belt. After entering, they realize that the encroaching parallel universe has already taken root here, and will revive with its lifeforce. In order to counter it, the group splits up, and three of them go to destroy these roots. Meanwhile, the main group confronts Irving and Altecia, who together serve as a vessel for Kuiper Belt, allowing ARMS to kill it. After a grueling battle, they manage to emerge victorious.

However, the deaths of Irving and Altecia tarnish the joy of victory. Disheartened, the group heads back to the surface. Suddenly, a black flash emanates from Ashley's body, scattering the group - Lord Blazer has finally awakened. Ashley finds himself in a Blazer's "world", a desolate wasteland with only Argetlahm planted in the ground. The demon tells Ashley that it's his negative feelings during battles sustained him, and mocks Ashley that he can't pull Argetlahm, meant for the "Hero of the Sword".

Ashley affirms that he's not a hero, but the world he wishes for is the world that doesn't need a hero. Rather, it's a world where all people, working together, can do more than any hero ever could. Empowered by the spirits of his friends, he pulls the sword, becoming the very same "Hero of the Sword". He's then supported by the spirits of Anastasia and all the peoples he met on his journey, to deal the decisive blow to Lord Blazer. Victorious, the group returns to the surface, to find the sky is blue once again.



  • Braver Vest armor for Brad
  • Bridal Gown armor for Lilka
  • Labyrinthos armor for Tim
  • Nine Lives armor for Ashley
  • Coiste Bua armor for Kanon
  • Full Libra accessory




  • In Wild Arms 3 Glaive Le Gable is mentioned by Armengard on October 29th. If you speak with her, she'll say: "Today is October 29, Toy Day. Collect all 12 Saint Guardian action figures and get a free Guardian of Mud [Grablugable] doll! I wish I'd known that before the offer expired... Sigh."