Wild Arms Wiki

Gemstone Cave is a dungeon in Wild Arms 3.

WiId Arms 3[]


After the opening scene, head north down the declines into the next room, and keep going through the next room, taking care not to fall into the pond! Once you reach the next room, a familiar group will call out to you from above; it's Maya and Friends! Maya and Virginia will have a little chat, and when they're all done, bomb the rocks under the land bridge Maya was standing on. Behind those rocks, beyond the bridge lies a chest with 5000 Gella! Take it, then pass back under the bridge and take the incline up to the next room.

Now watch the very short scene for a little lecture on why gems restore your HP, then travel up around the spiraly part of the cave and into the next room, where you will walk over the bridge (progress!) and enter another room. You will now be over the pond I told you about earlier! Take the door to the north to watch another scene in which Maya attempts to keep you busy by doing something cute. Well, not as much cute as annoying, but Maya is cute even when she's trying to destroy you, right? Approach the huge boulder, and before you bomb it, take a look at it. This is no ordinary rock; it is as strong as steel. And how do you weaken steel? Think back to that overgrown turtle, and the answer is clear; temperature change! Have Virginia toss about 10 Tindercrests at it so that it turns bright red, then QUICKLY switch to Gallows and Freezer Doll it. If the rock turns a dark, dull color, then it is suitable for bombing! Place all of your bombs together to destroy it, then walk through the newly cleared opening and through the door.

In the next room, travel north, stopping to turn east near the pond. There's a chest on the other side, so use the Steady Doll to grab it and get the Gella Card. Now, instead of following the trail of gems, head west and look behind the stone pillars. Search the west wall of this room, and you will see a cracked wall. Blow this up with a Bomb, and head inside! This leads to a hidden room with a chest containing a Gimel Coin. However, this hidden room serves a purpose much later in the game, and I will lead you here when the time is right. After grabbing the Gimel Coin, head to the eastern side of the room and blow away the rocks blocking the doorway, then head inside. Grab the Revive Fruit from the chest, then drop down to the lower level. You're back to the room where you use the Steady Doll, so follow the trail of orange gems through another doorway.

After another informative story scene about gems and where they come from, travel south through the next room, and you will reach a cavern filled with lots of holes. Upon taking two steps in... well, watch and see Maya at her "cutest" as she kicks you down the first hole you see. This is but a minor setback. Head to the east side of this room and climb the ramp up, and when you reach the two large gems, walk to the west a bit. There's a small spot here where you can drop down to a lower cliff, and you should, because there is a chest down there that contains a Lucky Card. Grab it, then head back up the ramp and through the doorway. From there, go up the next ramp through the next door, and you'll be back in the room with the holes.

Now here's the irritating part. There are 7 floor holes in this room. You were kicked down the one on the far west side of the room, and there are 6 left to explore. One leads to a treasure and the rest of the cave, and the rest lead to... frustration. Rather than using trial and error, follow my lead. Drop down the southwesternmost hole (the one that appears to be between the two gem formations), and from there, drop down a level to the west to reach a chest containing the Amulet. Drop down again, and from here, you will have to reach the room with the holes again, so retrace your steps and drop down the hole again. This time, walk over to the east to find a doorway. After a very cute scene (in the GOOD way) involving Maya, use a Gimel Coin to save. Head into the room, open the chest for a Heal Berry X2, and then attempt to head through the new passageway. Surprise! Maya has caught up to you real quick, and she's ready to fight! And this time, you get the pleasure of seeing her special power! She's Wonder Witch, the mightiest Mycale of them all!

After the victory, watch the short, but kind of sad scene. You'll be back on the World Map. If you took points out of the Initiative Personal Skill, put them back in now! Rejump the gorge and get back to Humphrey's Peak!


