Wild Arms Wiki
Emma Hetfield
Game Wild Arms
Wild Arms Alter Code: F
Class ARMs Meister / Scientist
Weapon Punchy Gun
Gender Female
Age 38 (Wild Arms)
39 (Alter Code: F)
Height 5'6"
Race Human
Voice Actor (JP) Michiko Neya
Voice Actor (ENG) Erika Lenhart (Wild Arms 4)[1]

Emma Hetfield is one of the supporting characters of the original Wild Arms and its remake Wild Arms Alter Code: F. Emma was once a pupil of Zepet Roughknight and has learned how to rebuild and repair ancient technology such as ARMS. As such, she considers herself an older sister to Rudy Roughknight, once she learns who he is. It is Emma's request for help in Adlehyde that brings the party together as they clear out Lolitha's Coffin.

Wild Arms[]


Emma as depicted in the first game

After the prologue, Emma primarily serves to give missions which ultimately improve vehicles and move the plot forward. In Alter Code: F, she can be permanently recruited as a party member near the end of the game (once you find her secret laboratory), where her Download ability allows her to copy the magic powers of enemy monsters, similar to Marivel's Red Magic skill from Wild Arms 2. In that version of the story, she declares her intent for her ultimate invention: peace.

Wild Arms Alter Code Biography[]

Emma is a beautiful doctor and is quite skilled in manipulating ARM technology. She is currently living in the castle town of Adlehyde and is excavating a ruin called "Lolitha's Coffin".

Art of Wild Arms Bio[]

"Rising Screenwriter"

A doctor who is doing research on golem and ARM technology. Lives in the castle town of Adlehyde.

Wild Arms 2[]

While Emma herself does not appear in Wild Arms 2, a comedic homage is given to her when the items are gathered by ARMs to create the EMMA motor (originally made by Emma in Wild Arms).[2]

Wild Arms 5[]

Emma appears sipping tea and laments her ability to become a scientist. Through the actions of the party, she becomes inspired to find a new career in screenwriting.


  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20151031073447/http://www.lacasting.com/ResumeDisplay.asp?crypt=diagnimephhohdjjcljpdiklhjmlmkalmgdcmpnnfidkbjmd
  2. Marivel: "And don't think anything silly like it got its name from someone named Emma."
    Lilka: "No? I thought so..."