Wild Arms Wiki
WA Cyclops named 2


Cyclops is an enemy that appears in some Wild Arms games.

Wild Arms[]

They are a enemy type encountered in the Malduke dungeon.

These creatures look like a large blue and yellow dinosaur, however they have long claws and orange horns on their backs and possess only one large yellow red.

Its appearance is similar to the Fankelvine found in Gate Generator, having your different colors and abilities.


  • LEVEL: 48
  • HP: 5000
  • MP: 00
  • EXP: 36000
  • GELLA: 5000
  • WEAK: Thunder
  • SPELLS: Shriek, Steal (Bullet Clip)
  • DROP: Nothing
  • Trickster: Bullet Clip


Wild Arms 2[]

WA2 Cyclops named

Cyclops in Wild Arms 2

They can be found in Glaive Le Gable.

Winged creature with red eyes an alternating coloration in blue and yellow stripes with the front of its body with green and yellow stripes, almost transparent whitish wings, a sharp and pointed horn, in the folds of its lower joints a red skin tone, its arm the left arm has a sharp claw and the right arm a club and has some red details on the spine.

His Monster Card Shop number is 087.


  • Level: 42
  • HP: 4200
  • Exp: 1200
  • Gella: 5000
  • Weak: Dark
  • Drop: Full Revive
  • Steal: Pixie Dust
  • Divides into: Necrosaurus
  • Special attacks:
  • Dead End (Instant death on single target)
  • Monster Beam (Laser shoots each opponent)


Wild Arms 3[]

WA3 Cyclops 1

Cyclops in WA3

Cyclops appears in Wild Arms 3 in Nightmare Castle.

Can counter physical attacks with a paralysis attack. Use Dark Matter to kill.


  • HP: 6000
  • EXP: 950
  • Gellar: 1200
  • ???, ???
  • Revive Fruit,