Crimson Castle is an optional dungeon that appears in Wild Arms 2.
Wild Arms 2[]
FIRST ACCESSIBLE: After getting Lombardia.
LOCATION: In the middle of the region S of Guild Galad surrounded by mountains.
This castle is a bit of a maze, so keep track of where you are and try to keep the camera in the same position to help yourself out. First, go up the W stairs and through the W door at the top. Stay on the top level and go through the next door. Jump off the bridge to get either chest below, then head S to return to the entrance room.
Retrace your steps to get the other chest, then go the same way again and go out the other side of the bridge. Follow the path for a couple of rooms until you can jump down to a pair of chests, then keep heading S until you return to the entrance again.
Follow the same path again, but where you jumped down just now, enter the N door instead to find another pair of chests. Return to the entrance room. Go through the middle door and up the stairs at the end of the next room. The two levers control the walls below. There are 4 possible combinations of lever positions, and they each have a different effect:
E LEVER | E lever | Effect |
Left | Left | All walls up |
Left | Right | E wall down |
Right | Left | W wall down |
Right | Right | N wall down |
Lower the W wall, then go back down the stairs and through the lower door. Pass the lowered wall and enter the rear door. Take the E-most door in the N wall and go up the stairs. The first door on the left leads to a lever which lowers part of a barrier. Pull it. The right door leads to an Amazing Stone. The rear left door leads over a bridge. On the other side, take the E door to lower another part of the barrier, then the S door. Follow the path to the lever that lowers the last piece, then backtrack to the point where you had 2 doors in the N wall, and enter the other one. Follow the path, read the stones and ignore them as you go down the stairs. At the bottom, climb to the coffin to have Marivel join your party!
With Marivel, you can go back into the castle and read all of the books that were previously illegible to you (just make sure she's your lead character), if you care about that sort of thing. More importantly, though, if you head through the upper E doorway from the main room and stay on the ground floor when you have the option of taking stairs up, you'll be in the NE library. Look at the wall by the only door in or out of this room, and you'll see a little lightning bolt inscribed on the wall. Shoot it with Marivel's Electel and it'll open up another path that leads to her level 2 force power: Asgard!
*** Now that you have the Electel ***Return to Thunder Lion Cage and shoot the electric symbol straight ahead as soon as you enter to get a couple of goodies, and to read a very mysterious plaque.