Wild Arms Wiki

Coffin of 100 Eyes is a dungeon that appears in Wild Arms 2.

Wild Arms 2[]


Go forward and step onto the elevator. Below, walk forward through a corridor with ledges on either side. In the next room, go up the ramp and back south to reach the chest above in the previous room. Kanon now gets the Wire Hook! Use it to cross to the other side here, and enter the N doorway along the W ledge. Hook your way to the chest, then back and N. In the next room, Hook across to the E from the N edge, then exit and go back to where you first found the Wire Hook.

Cross to the other ledge again, and this time take the S door. Hook your way across to the W. To reach the chest, do an almost blind shot from either side of the closest hook to the chest. Doing it from directly S just drops you into the void. Continue W from the far edge of this room. Examine the blue computer terminal along the wall to open the doors. Hook your way across the next room. Have Ash toss a Hurl Knife between hook posts in the NW corner to activate the door. Next, Hook E to the pair of posts, then use Pooka to get the chest before you jump to the ground.

Hook back over using the lower post and enter the door by the health crystals. Pass the Amazing Stone. Hook across the room, then use Ashley's knives in the next room to activate the machinery. In the next room, go W up the ramp, then fire your Hook diagonally to reach the post by the chests. From there, there's only one other place to go: N. Go W in the room with the small platforms and use Pooka to reach the pair of chests.

Continue W along the S wall, and exit to reach a room almost identical to a recent earlier one. Get to the chest in the same way, and get back into this room somehow (you can fall into a pit if you like, it's probably the easiest way). Go out via the door in the NW corner. Examine the blue computer terminal in the next room to open the door, and go on in.

Use Ashley's knives to activate the blocks. When they move, it frees the way for Kanon to Hook the party across to the far end. Do this twice, then exit out the other door to face a pair of boss battles.

After defeat Liz and Ard , go up to the large computer terminal and examine it, then when you try to leave, you have to use your communicator. This triggers a pulse-pounding series of events, including a brief fight: Afterwards, it'll be a while before you have control of the game again.


