Caina (Japanese: カイーナ)[1]is a member of Odessa that appears in Wild Arms 2, confronted in the Emulator Zone. One of Odessa's sources of monsters, and manipulator of Randolf the Magic Key, a large magical key that has the power to open portals to other dimensions, summon demons and cast spells.
In the English release of the game, Caina's gender was changed into female. While this was probably due to his explicit homosexuality and very female-looking character design, this may not have actually been a deliberate change. It's very possible that it was a result of a very bad localization effort for the game (as there are many, many errors in translation), and Japanese "pretty boy" characters had not really been popularized in the United States at the time. Even as a bishōnen character, Caina is decidedly female-looking. Moreover, Caina also pointedly uses magic, a trait reserved exclusively to females so far in the Wild Arms series (though this would change in the following game). Caina is also gay for Vinsfield (who is not). With all this, the localization effort may have simply just missed the fact that Caina was really male after all. Despite this, for 'canon' purposes (and the purposes of this Wiki), Caina is assumed to be male.
Caina gets his name from a level of the underworld from The Divine Comedy meaning "traitor of blood relatives" as it was named after Cain, the figure from Biblical myth who murdered his own brother Abel out of jealousy.[2] While the parallels between the two characters are weak, the commonality between them is that of the tortured man who attempts to commit a crime of passion in murdering the object of his ire.
Wild Arms 2[]
Caina is the one responsible for the Demon Summoning at the start of the game. A true sympathizer with Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus's ideals, he follows the Odessa leader almost blindly.
Caina had fallen in love with Vinsfeld, something that tormented him when Vinsfeld perished, eventually driving him to exact an equal torment on Ashley Winchester. He is the only member of the Cocytus to survive beyond his tower and into the second disc. Originally thought dead as when he was defeated in his tower, he invoked Randolph to heal him, but the key opened a dimensional rift, pulling Caina in as he screamed.
- 069. Caina - BOSS - Location: Emulator Zone
- Level: 28
- HP: 6750
- Exp: 3700
- Gella: 0
- Steal: War Respite
- Special attacks:
- 4D Hypo Blast (Dazzling light attack on single)
- Gate of Isolde Damage + multiple statuses on all
- 070. Caina (2) - BOSS - Location: Diablo Pillar Caina
- Level: 36
- HP: 17500
- Exp: 7000
- Gella: 7000
- Steal: Full Revive
- Special attacks:
- 4D Hypo Blast (Dazzling light attack on single)
- Gate of Isolde (Damage + multiple statuses on all)
- 071. Caina (3) - BOSS - Location: Lost Garden
- Level: 42
- HP: 16000
- Exp: 7500
- Gella: 7500
- Drop: War Respite
- Steal: Tiny Flower
- Special attacks:
- 4D Hypo Blast (Dazzling light attack on single)