Wild Arms Wiki

Armed Fantasia (Japanese:アームドファンタジア)[1] is an upcoming game by Wild Bunch Productions, with a given release date of 2025 for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PC[2]. The game has a number of alumni from the Wild Arms franchise involved in its production, including lead game designer and screenwriter Akifumi Kaneko, veteran musical composer Michiko Naruke, Wild Arms 5 character designer Tomomi Sasaki, Wild Arms 5 musical composer Noriyasu Agematsu and vocalist Kaori Asoh.[3] This would make it similar to Rapid Reload in that, while it is not a direct sequel or prequel, it contains homages paid to the series in its signature whistling leitmotif, a Western steampunk aesthetic, and blatant allusions to "arms" and the "wilderness" in its title and subtitle respectively. Its main theme is "Limitless", sung by Kaori Asoh[4].


The story takes places on a world called Londenium, rather than the series' staple Filgaia, though it shares the similarity of being a dying planet infested with monsters, known as Anomalies. These desolate lands are governed by the Order of the Sacred Key, who provide law and order as well as technology, and give their support to adventures dubbed Pathfinders, who are Drifters all but in name.



Supporting characters[]


The first few songs for the soundtrack were made available for listening on SoundCloud. CDs and vinyls were produced as part of the Kickstarter campaign and were eventually released to the Japanese public. The albums are slated for official release in March of 2025.[6][7]

