Wild Arms Wiki
WA2 Argetlahm

The original Argetlahm in Wild Arms 2

Argetlahm (sometimes spelled Airgetlamh or Argetlam depending on the game) is the name of a weapon with different incarnations throughout the Wild Arms series.

Wild Arms 2[]

In Wild Arms 2 Argetlahm, the Guardian Blade, is a sword that was wielded by the Sword Magess in her battle with Lord Blazer, and eventually used to seal the demon. Now, it's a revered relic, placed in Sword Cathedral. During induction ceremonies for new soldiers of Meria, they are invited to draw the sword, but for all hundred years of the ceremony being held, no one ever managed to draw it from the stone it's sealed in. When invited to join the original ARMS, Ashley also tries and fails to pull it.

After being transformed into a monster, Ashley once again takes hold of the blade, and has a conversation in a mental world with the spirit of the Sword Magess, who entrusts Argetlahm to him. The sword disappears, but its power allows Ashley to put his monstrous form under control and turn it into KnightBlazer, balancing the power of Lord Blazer with the power of the Guardian Blade.

Arghetlamh later appears in the hands of Anastasia herself, when Ashley meets her in the Memory Maze. She tells that she was able to wield it not because of any special bloodline, but because of the "desire" to live and not giving into despair. This very "desire" also gave form to the Guardian of Desire, Lucied. The origin of the sword is never disclosed, but apparently, its powers and alleged connection with the Valeria bloodline were known even before the Blaze of Disaster.

Lastly, Arghetlamh appears in the world of Lord Blazer, when he tries to possess Ashley at the very end of the game. Blazer mocks Ashley for being unable to pull the blade, but he, empowered by the spirits of all inhabitants of Filgaia, transforms into "Hero of the Sword", and finally manages to do it, and uses Arghetlamh to defeat Lord Blazer.

In the epilogue, the sword, now once again in physical form, is placed on the graves of Irving and Altecia.

Wild Arms 3[]

In Wild Arms 3, Jet Enduro's ARM in named Airget-lamh B/V2, which only he is able to use. It is modelled after a machine gun.

Wild Arms 5[]

In Wild Arms 5, Airgetlam is an ARM part for Avril Vent Fleur, awarded after collecting 18 Neutrino Medals and talking to the Red-Chekked Parrot in the Golem Hunter's Guild.


  • Airgetláṁ, literally meaning "silver hand", is the epithet of Nuaḋa, a figure in Irish mythology.
  • The shape of the blade itself and the circular notch at the near top most part of the blade makes it similar to the sword of Justine, the Guardian of Justice.