Wild Arms Wiki

Ape Man Vargon is a recurring enemy in the series.

Wild Arms 4[]

WA4 Ape Man Vargon Named

Ape Man Vargon in WA4

In Wild Arms 4 Ape Man Vargon appears as a rare enemy on the Fallen Bridge XdXS. It's a powerful enemy, notable for possessing one of the highest Evasion scores in the game (alongside its fellow rare enemies Greater Beast, Creeping Chaos, and Jumbo Bearcat). It's an extremely formiddable opponent, capable of dealing huge damage in melee. If it's locked in a HEX with Arnaud's "Lock Out", it will attack with extremely powerful "Agony Effect", likely one-shotting characters. However, if its movement is prevented by defeated characters, it will merely skip turns. It can also very rarely counter with an attack that puts a character's HP to one. Due to its high defence and evasion, it's advisable to fight it by abusing Ley Points and elemental weaknesses they impart.


  • LVL: 90
  • HP: 98000
  • EXP: 107000
  • Gella: 78000
  • Attribute: None
  • Elements: None
  • Items: (D)Gunstar Sign, Mega Berry, Full Revive
Combat stats
341 328 368 378 450 420 463

Wild Arms 5[]

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